Gerald Png

about me

what i do

things i've made


Don't know where to go? Explore the cheapest trips from your city to every tourist destination in the world on any given travel dates. Compare all the trips on a fun and interactive map with respect to the weather forecast, popularity, safety levels, visa requirements and so on.

Covid Controls

Covid Controls tracks and visualizes how governments around the world are responding to the Covid-19 outbreak. It collects data on lockdown measures, quarantine policies, tourists bans along with numbers on how the disease is spreading in every country and state around the world.


Find fine dining restaurants in Singapore. I made this because I realized that there is no single source of information of fine dining restaurants, especially their set menu prices. With this site, you can filter by price, Michelin stars, google ratings, lunch/dinner days, cuisine, and even dress code.


A geography-based variant of Wordle, inspired by Worldle. You have 6 attempts to guess the daily location. Initiatlly released with 2 puzzles, Singapore MRTs & LRTs, and Singapore MRTs only.

TeleSheets Expense Bot

This telegram bot allows you to easily track your expenses on a Google Sheet by sending messages in private and group chats. Initially a private bot as I wanted an easy way to keep track of expenses, and a combination of Google Sheets + a messenging app that I'm used to. Extended it so anyone can connect their Google Sheets and use it too.


Enter postal codes, and see where the are the best places to meetup in Singapore based on travel times. Made in response to colleagues lamenting about organizing team lunches when everyone stays all over Singapore.

Broker Fees SG

Compare fees for trading US,HK and SG stocks across popular brokers in SG, such as IBKR, Saxo, Tiger Brokers, FSMOne and MooMoo


Generate RSwag schema from JSON input. Writing RSwag schema for JSON input/output was a super tedious process, so wrote this simple utility to generate a skeleton schema from a JSON object.

Go Log Utils

VS Code Extension. Easily insert and remove log.Println statements.

Text To XML Safe String

VS Code Extension. Formats text to XML safe string, replace linebreaks (\n), tabs (\t), and special characters (&, ', ", <, >). Made this as we needed a way to convert multi-line Go code into strings in xml.

Wheel Tracker

Track your option wheel status and performance.

GE2020 Lineups

View all candidates that contested in Singapore's General Elections 2020, with final and historical results. Made in 1 day, in response to a lack of coordinated news by the various political parties. The goal was to visualise the confirmed/unconfirmed lineups that each party had announced before nomination day.

SG Delivery Slots Telegram Bot

During the Covid-19 period, delivery slots from the major supermarkets were a rare commodity that were being snapped up immediately. SG Delivery Slots Bot was created to notify users based on their postcode, when a delivery slot opens up near to them. Decommissioned due to increased security by the major supermarkets on their API endpoints.

my bookshelf

I usually read fiction, fantasy and sci-fi


Abaddon's GateJSC
Abaddon's Gate
Cibola BurnJSC
Cibola Burn
Nemesis GamesJSC
Nemesis Games
Babylon's AshesJSC
Babylon's Ashes


The Name of the WindPR
The Name of the Wind
The Wise Man's FearPR
The Wise Man's Fear
Assassin's ApprenticeRH
Assassin's Apprentice
Royal AssassinRH
Royal Assassin
Assassin's QuestRH
Assassin's Quest
The Three-Body ProblemLC
The Three-Body Problem
The Dark ForestLC
The Dark Forest
Death's EndLC
Death's End
Ender's GameOSC
Ender's Game
Ender in ExileOSC
Ender in Exile
Ender's ShadowOSC
Ender's Shadow
Shadow of the HegemonOSC
Shadow of the Hegemon
Shadow PuppetsOSC
Shadow Puppets
Shadow of the GiantOSC
Shadow of the Giant
River of LondonBA
River of London
Moon Over SohoBA
Moon Over Soho
Whispers UndergroundBA
Whispers Underground
Broken HomesBA
Broken Homes
Foxglove SummerBA
Foxglove Summer
The Hanging TreeBA
The Hanging Tree
Lies SleepingBA
Lies Sleeping
False ValueBA
False Value
Amongst Our WeaponsBA
Amongst Our Weapons
Neither Civil Nor ServantSHP
Neither Civil Nor Servant
Red RisingPB
Red Rising
Golden SonPB
Golden Son
Morning StarPB
Morning Star
Project Hail MaryAW
Project Hail Mary
Cloud Cuckoo LandAD
Cloud Cuckoo Land
Fairy TaleSK
Fairy Tale
The RithmatistBS
The Rithmatist
Sixteen Ways to Defend a Walled CityKP
Sixteen Ways to Defend a Walled City
The Goblin EmperorKA
The Goblin Emperor
The Hands of the EmperorVG
The Hands of the Emperor
All Systems RedMW
All Systems Red
Rogue ProtocolMW
Rogue Protocol
Artificial ConditionMW
Artificial Condition
Exit StrategyMW
Exit Strategy
Leviathan WakesJSC
Leviathan Wakes
Caliban's WarJSC
Caliban's War


A Master of DjinnPDC
A Master of Djinn
A Dead Djinn in CairoPDC
A Dead Djinn in Cairo
The Haunting of Tram Car 015PDC
The Haunting of Tram Car 015
Ring ShoutPDC
Ring Shout
A Little HatredJA
A Little Hatred
The Trouble with PeaceJA
The Trouble with Peace
MAKE: Bootstrapper's HandbookPL
MAKE: Bootstrapper's Handbook
This is Marketing: You Can't Be Seen Until You Learn To SeeSG
This is Marketing: You Can't Be Seen Until You Learn To See
Ninth HouseLB
Ninth House
Six of CrowsLB
Six of Crows
Shadow And BoneLB
Shadow And Bone
Crooked KingdomLB
Crooked Kingdom
Siege and StormLB
Siege and Storm
Ruin and RisingLB
Ruin and Rising
King of ScarsLB
King of Scars
Rule of WolvesLB
Rule of Wolves
Refactoring UIAWSS
Refactoring UI
Gideon the NinthTM
Gideon the Ninth
Harrow the NinthTM
Harrow the Ninth
Words of RadianceBS
Words of Radiance
Rhythm of WarBS
Rhythm of War